Crimes against international law are committed by men, not by abstract entities, and only by punishing individuals who commit such crimes can provisions of international law be enforced
Judgment of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal
Full Video Playlist
Day 1
Panel 1: Web of Accountability for International CrimesPanel 2: Prosecuting international crimes – lessons and legacies of the international, hybrid and national mechanisms/tribunals
Day 2
Panel 1: Rule of law v. rule of force - prosecuting the crime of aggressionSESSION III
Panel 1: Sub-Panel on Comprehensive Response to Conflict Related Sexual ViolencePanel 1: Sub-Panel on Combatting Conflict Related Sexual ViolencePanel 2: Atrocity Crimes — Deliberate targeting of the critical civilian infrastructure as a means of destruction of a civilian populationPanel 3: Atrocity Crimes — Russian narrative and attempts to extinguish Ukrainian people’s right to exist as a nationSESSION IV
Panel 1: Specificities of international cooperation in the field of freezing, seizing and confiscating of assetsSide-event: Documenting international crimes by civil society and media
Day 3
Panel 1: Children — victims of Russia’s attempted destruction of Ukrainian identityPanel 2: Prosecuting Environmental War Crimes
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